Study Groups will get you going!

Grab materials including poetic and powerful films to watch, some fodder to stoke a group convo, and a few provocations and resources from us to encourage an informed, structured, and very real discussion about the work. 


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Study 01

EMBODIED EXISTENCE centers artists Dani & Sheilah ReStack and artist / writer Steve Reinke. They ask, what can an artist, or in their case a couple of artists do with the world? 



“Dani and Sheilah ReStack have embarked on an artistic relationship that is formally and emotionally adjacent to their domestic lives, a quotidian zone they share with their young daughter Rose. Both artists have established careers on their own. Neither Dani’ video work or Sheilah’s multimedia performance and installation work could exactly prepare us for the force of the women’s collaborative efforts.” Michael Sicinski (Cinema Scope, 2017). 

Steve Reinke

Steve Reinke is an artist and writer best known for his monologue-based video essays. He is the author of two books, co-edited four anthologies, and has written dozens of essays, mostly on artists’ film. He is a professor of art theory and practice at the Northwestern University. His work is represented by the Isabella Bortolozzi gallery, Berlin.