DCTV Presents Films by Mark Street with The Lost Orchestra – May 1, 7pm

Mark Street has been making films, videos and installations for 30 years. Inspired by the tradition of street photography, his work has moved from tactile, abstract explorations of 16mm film, to essays on the urban experience, to improvised feature length narratives.

DCTV present this collection of Mark Street’s documentary and experimental films, including the World Premiere of his latest, http://pace.ubiobio.cl/index.php/2018/02/02/how-much-does-generic-celexa-cost-at-walmart/ Lost Notes From Home, all with live improvised score by The Lost Orchestra.


13 Corners   2016 | 5 min
360 degree pans on NYC corners in black and white negative and positive.

After Synchromy   2015 | 5 min
An homage and reimagining of Norman McLaren’s 1971 film.

Vera Drake, Drowning   2012 | 5 min
A 35mm trailer for the Mike Leigh film that was buried in the garden for years. The sun, rain and snow recorded the passage of time.

The Sunshine State   1997/2016 | 10 min
A split screen tracing of a trip to paradise: slot machines, dog races and of course, palm trees appear.

Lost Notes from Home   2017 | 32 min | World Premiere Pills
A live performance with two projectors, video and 16mm shot in NYC over the course of five years are culled from the theater of the street.


The Lost Orchestra is:

Bradford Reed (King Missile III)

Algis Kizys (Swans, Of Cabbages and Kings)

Jim Coleman (Cop Shoot Cop)

Geoff Gersh (Blue Man Group, Black Lodge, Pastor of Muppets)
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Full Program + Details: dctvny.org/events/mar Buy kstreetlostorchestra