Los Sures & Man with a Movie Camera

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Point of Cheap desperation – frustration – helplessness. This frame reflects activists Evelyn of Los Sures at this moment. Her voice screeches, but is – Buy http://jangadeiros.org/?p=1961 bold – admirable – resonating. Evelyn is asking for a car to take a family that just lost their home to relatives. I question social aid and why through all our institutions in place, not one was able to help. There is irony in her using a vehicles microphone in her plea. Where are the holes in our communities now?

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In Vertov’s, Man with a Movie Camer, I am a quiet audience member discovering life in soviet cities during 1929. In this still we see observers being observed. Throughout the film the viewer is aware and reminded of the camera’s presence in each scene. This technique brings another layer of reality. Instead of cracking my 4 online th wall, I feel a sense of insider privilege.