Myth: The City is a Place.


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Cities are often contrasted with other places of inhabitants by discussions of speed and rapidity.  People move quickly and talk fast.  Buildings go up and come down.  Neighborhoods flip residents.  Populations grow, disperse, and diminish in matters of years.  To Speak of change in the city is indeed a cliché. The city is a place of transience, of movement.  A plane passes, a train passes, a car passes, a stranger passes, whether or not on choose to stand still or not.  In many cities a river passes, and the city itself sits more like an eddy.  It is a point, for certain, a phenomenon, yet no matter how forceful or focused the motion, the eddy it is never as solid or as real as the land it flows over or the rocks that divide its waters downstream, such is the nature of the city. City dwellers might return to a more rural setting they once knew – perhaps in their childhood – and be taken back by the sameness of that place.  When returning to the city one is hard pressed to find the same sentiment for the city as whole. One may concede that a building or a person remains unchanged, yet the city could never. This nature which I find to be true in all the cities which I have known and known again begs the appropriateness of the term place in any discussion of the city a whole.  With the myth of place is crucial to define terms as well as scale, yet on those definitions of place which I will soon dedicated this investigation I find the city to be undeniably deficient.  By clarifying the definitions of such rhetorics, the ontological discourse of urban issues might be more appropriately addressed. Order Pills