Selected Experimental and Animated Works from the Women’s Film Preservation Fund | Series at Anthology

A mini-series of experimental and animated films preserved by the Women’s Film Preservation Fund is coming up this month at Anthology Film Archives, Friday and Saturday,  June 21 and 22! These three screenings include works by Storm de Hirsch, Barbara Hammer, Peggy Ahwesh, Bette Gordon, Helen Hill and more.  The filmmakers approach their films from many directions and a range of sub-genres within experimental film and animation that include structuralist cinema, surreal films, experimental documentaries, improvised comedies, feminist films, and unedited footage.  They utilize optical printing, stop action and hand-drawn animation, hand-altered negatives, as well as live action and documentary footage.

Sheila Paige and Lisa Crafts will be appearing in person. Find details here.