2013 Collaborative Studio Fellows Beyza Boyacioglu and Sebastian Diaz film Toñita’s featured on Creative Time Reports

Collaborative Alumni Pills Beyza Boyacioglu and Sebastian Diaz produced Toñita’s in 2013 as part of UnionDocs collaborative production Living Los Sures. Check out this post Pills Purchase  on Creative Time Reports to learn more about the process of making the film, and to watch clips.


The Caribbean (also fondly labeled “Toñita’s” after the venue’s beloved matriarch) stands out in South Williamsburg as one of the few establishments to remain from the neighborhoods’ crime and drug addled days of the 1990’s.





Boyacioglu writes: “The magic of this place comes from relationships that have developed over decades, as the photographs of weddings, birthdays and domino and baseball games accumulated on its walls attest. The club preserves the collective memory of the Puerto Rican community as its history is being erased from the South Side’s streets.” Purchase Purchase




