Submit your short films to the Cosmic Rays Film Festival by January 1!

Cosmic Rays is an annual celebration of non-commercial short films that extend the idea of film as art. Cosmic Rays screens work that:

Experiments with the formal possibilities of film and video.
Explores hybrid forms and the hard-to-describe spaces between filmmaking modes and genres.Speaks with a personal or poetic voice, or explores novel ways of telling stories.
Eschews convention and commerce.
Has utopian aspirations and weird friends.
Cosmic Rays is excited by filmmaking that expands our idea of what film is and what it can be.

Cosmic Rays accepts films that are 15 minutes or less completed after Jan. 1st, 2021. There is a $8.00 submission fee. Please note: films over 15:00 minutes will not be considered for the program. Deadline for submissions is Jan 1st, 2023.