this monday, 10pm til 2008
“happening” at uniondocs
atmospheric adventures by k8 hardy including rituals
this is a safe space to perform your own ritual as long as no one gets hurt
beijing countdown opera: ei arakawa, stefan tcherepnin, sergei tcherepnin
nation state signifier burning: a.k. aisha burnes
fire box with song: christopher allen
the goddess is alive and magic is afoot: A.L. steiner and (bethea?— bethea confirm with me, ok?)
something by leidy churchman
plus special guests***incense will be burned****please especially come if you are menstruating
(there may be a witches brew by dean daderko if he can get around to it, his birthday is on Jan 1)
keywords: phsychadelic drone menstrual happening performance art count up video masks making fire in the backyard there is a backyard for smoking and stuff, also custom couch out of muslin and the space is pretty much will be an installation.